Feral swine eradicated from Colorado thanks to work of state and federal partnership

“Feral swine are the same species, Sus scrofa, as pigs that are found on farms. Feral swine are descendants of escaped or released pigs. Feral swine are called by many names including; wild boar, wild hog, razorback, piney woods rooter, and Russian or Eurasian boar. No matter the name they are a dangerous, destructive, invasive species.” USDA APHIS

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Colorado Parks & Wildlife officers confirm latest wolf pack sighting in NW Colorado

A trail of wolf tracks observed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers in
Northwest Colorado on January 19, 2020
MOFFAT COUNTY – Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) officials are confirming they have additional evidence that a group of wolves is now residing in northwest Colorado.

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Restoring wildlife habitat in western Colorado starts with native seeds

Colorado Parks and Wildlife technician Ryan Lane holds a mixture of 30 different native seeds used to replant former farm land to benefit wildlife.
DOVE CREEK, Colo. – Good habitat is the key to maintaining wildlife populations. So Colorado Parks and Wildlife is working in western Colorado to restore abandoned farmland and other areas back to a natural condition.

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Annual Membership Application & Conference Bundles

Please print and send according to instructions or send copies to contact@cwcoa.org

___New Member     ___Renewal     for Jan 1 to Dec 31, 20____

I, ____________________________________________________________________, wish to join CWCOA.          

Business Name_________________________________________   

Work Phone (______) ______-________


Home Phone (_____) ____-________


Cell Phone (_____) ______-________

E-mail Address__________________________________________

Website Address _________________________________________

Type of Membership Amount
Sustaining Member (Voting) $ 200.00
Regular Member Only (voting) $ 110.00
Sustaining Membership & Annual Conference $ 252.00
Regular Membership & Annual Conference $171.00
Non-member Conference Only $  95.00

Please make check payable to CWCOA and send the completed application and check to:

CWCOA, 574 Legion Street, Craig CO 81625

Conditions of Membership

To be accepted into membership, individuals must:

  1. Pay annual dues (membership is per calendar year, i.e. January 1 to December 31).
  2. Sign the Code of Ethics (as a commitment to the aims and ideas of the association, not as a legal binding document).
  3. Be a member in good standing (as determined by a majority vote of the Governing Board).
  4. Officially represent CWCOA only when authorized by the Governing Board (includes use of logo, copyrighted materials, etc.).

Note:  Every new member is assumed to be in good standing unless an issue prompts a Governing Board vote.  At that time the Governing Board will vote to 1) reaffirm good standing, 2) place the member on one-year probation without voting privileges, or 3) terminate membership.

Conditions for Verified Service Provider Listing

To participate in CWCOA’s website job referral list, members must:

  1. Be a regular
    member in good standing.
  2. Be a registered
    business with the Department of Revenue (i.e. have a dba) or have a certificate
    of good standing with the Secretary of State. 
    (Must submit proof of either one.)
  3. Have liability
    insurance.  (Must submit proof.)
  4. Be active and
    provide input into the workings and activities of the association.

Please include proof of business and liability insurance with application and check.

Code of Ethics

As a practicing member of CWCOA, I will . . .

  1. Abide by wildlife
    damage management laws and regulations to which I am subject.
  2. Ascribe to a
    professional code of conduct that embodies honesty, integrity, service, duty
    and dependability.
  3. Demonstrate a
    high level of regard and respect for people, property and wildlife.
  4. Promote
    appreciation for and understanding of the various values of wildlife and
    scientific wildlife management, especially as they relate to human health,
    safety and economic concerns.
  5. Be sensitive to
    and make allowances for the various viewpoints on wildlife damage management.
  6. Provide
    professional advice and expertise on managing wildlife damage to my clientele
    as appropriate within the limits of my experience and training.
  7. Promote
    competence and professionalism by supporting high standards of education, training,
    employment and performance.
  8. Strive to broaden
    my knowledge, skills and abilities to practice wildlife damage management
    through continuing education.
  9. Strive to utilize
    the best management practices of the wildlife damage industry to include the
    considerations of humaneness, selectivity, safety, effectiveness and
  10. Treat my
    competitors and clientele in a courteous and respectful manner consistent with
    honorable business practices.
  11. Encourage through
    word and example all wildlife damage control operators to adhere to this code
    and to participate in their state and national associations.

Date__________________ Signature______________________________________________________

For more information about CWCOA, please see our website:  CWCOA.org, or contact:

Faye Maki (Treasurer) 574 Legion Street, Craig CO 81625 or call (970) 824-5505

Authorization for Credit Card Use

All information will remain confidential

Name on Card:                        ___________________________________________ 

Billing Address:                     ___________________________________________


Credit Card Type:  Visa    Mastercard   Discover AmEx

Credit Card Number: ___________________________________________

Expiration Date:                      ___________________________________________

Card Identification Number:  ______ (last 3 digits located on the back of the credit card)

Amount to Charge:  $ ________________ (USD) 

I authorize ___________________________to charge the amount listed above to the credit card provided herein. I agree to pay for this purchase in accordance with the issuing bank cardholder agreement.

Cardholder – Please Sign and Date

Signature:                                ___________________________________________

Date:                                       ___________________________________________

Print Name:                             ___________________________________________